
Linda Bergkvist是一名非常年輕的CG大師,今年27歲,她出生在瑞典,CG的風格充滿了童話色彩,神秘、詭異、夢幻,無論是繪畫功底,CG的運用還是充滿想像的內容都另人著迷。
永恒沉睡(Sopor Aeternu):No one is there http://www.ywzh.cn/upFile/010BJSY/opinion/mp3/nooneisthere.mp3
―― 摘自 Gloria Victis
實在受不了的可以聽一下另一種風格的 Will Downing/威爾‧丹英的 Just My Imaginationhttp://cherry.jazzsky.com/liu/just_my_imagination.wma







Linda Bergkvist個人簡介:
Linda Bergkvist 1977年出生於瑞典,她的是個典型的完美主義者,酷愛繪畫和插畫藝術,也喜歡觀看電影,又很多喜歡的片子,比如:Clockwork Orange, Crying Game, The Name of the Rose, Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi, Army of Darkness……,從很小就開始繪畫,她在20歲的時候得到了一份特殊的禮物──一塊WACOM畫板,於是她開始了電腦繪畫創作生活。Linda 的繪畫風格細膩,她喜歡刻畫人物的特寫和幻想中的場景。
Linda Bergkvist的照片




這位來自瑞典的女畫家,Umeå 便是她的故鄉,據她自己所說,從小便是個喜歡放飛想像力的女孩,喜歡繪畫和向同齡的小朋友講述自己編造的複雜故事。長大後曾經動過獻身教育事業的念頭,在一段時間裡,努力地學習英語和瑞典語。也不知道是她選擇了繪畫還是她被繪畫選中了,總之,她後來意外地得到了一份為當地一家電腦公司製作圖片的工作,並且樂此不疲,還應次選擇了輟學,雖然在這之後自己也覺得是個傻冒的決定,不過選擇繪圖工作卻從來不在這後悔之列。
Linda 兼任一本漫畫的上色工作和大學裡面教授 PHOTOSHOP 課程一職,同時還是個自由撰稿人,私底下,還為一本很想看到它被出版的書畫插畫。她的生活,她的工作,聽起來充滿了鮮活的生命力。
Linda 的畫,不用多說,看過的人都覺得充滿了奇幻色彩,她自己也說過,喜歡用唯美的風格演繹古老殘酷帶有邪惡色彩的故事。(當我第一眼看到她的畫時,就有一種似曾相識的感覺,不知道SFW上面有沒有刊登過她的畫,又覺得好像有點不一樣,奇幻畢竟不等於科幻,但總覺得肯定不是第一次看到。)
當然除了廣博的生活給 Linda 帶來無窮的靈感之外,John Bauer, Brian Found 和 Tim Burton Burton 也是 Linda 最主要的靈感源泉。她自己也說每當欣賞著兩位大師的畫作和 Tim Burton 的電影時,總是給她帶來創作的衝動。
現在,讓我們穿透 Linda Bergkvist 的眼睛,暫且撇開畫面背後的故事,看看她腦海中的意象的樣子吧:
謝謝 zafki 的翻譯!
EXPOSÉ 1 - Linda Bergkvist, Digital Illustrator
Linda Bergkvist, 7 July 2003
Edited by Leonard Teo
One of the digital illustrators whose work stood out and impressed the EXPOSÉ 1 advisory committee is Linda Bergkvist, a freelance artist from Sweden. She has been awarded with two EXPOSÉ awards: Master (Character in Action 2D) and Master (Character in Repose 2D). Linda took some time to chat with Leonard Teo about herself and her art.
About Linda Bergkvist
I was born in Sweden - in Umeå, same city I still live in. My main interests have always been art and language. When I was a kid, I did little but draw pictures and tell other kids long, intricate stories about creatures I had come up with. Sometimes, I pretended these beasts were real and I suppose I spoke of the 'monsters' with such enthusiasm and emotion that a lot of the kids actually believed me. We used to go hunting for a witch in the woods.
When I grew older, I wasn't very sure of myself when it came to my artwork so instead of choosing an art career for myself, I chose language (this after having studied at an art related education between the age of sixteen and nineteen). For some years, I studied English and Swedish and had every intention of becoming a teacher, while on the side, I still doodled and painted. Quite suddenly, I was offered a job by a local computer company and I took it - abandoning my education (perhaps, foolishly) to start working with graphics instead. That's what I've been doing ever since. I miss language studies, however, and maybe I'll go back to that some day. But right now, I'm loving what I do. It's a challenging job and I meet wonderful people all the time.
I work partly as a comic book colourist, partly at the university where I teach Photoshop classes, and partly as a freelancer. All of these things, I enjoy immensely. I have a few personal projects on the side - still painting pictures for a book I very much would like to publish one day.
Linda Bergkvist的作品:
Melody of Your Demise
Linda Bergkvist的自定義筆刷教程下載
Path of Petals
一個貴族的女兒任性地從父親的身邊逃開,為的只是想要知道自己的父親到底有多愛她,可是這時她卻遇到了點小小的麻煩:她似乎找不到回家的路了,她,迷失在叢林裡了。尋找中,她會像童話故事裡的“Hans and Greta”那樣在經歷了一場有驚無險後,重返家園麼?抑或是在她還沒有找到回家的路之前,被什麼不知名的東西找到了。這是作者力圖要在這幅畫中表現的元素。
On saturdays
"On saturdays, I take my gun, my attitude, and then change someone's life"

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